General terms
Before using this website / e-shop, visitors and users must carefully read these Terms and Conditions. If visitors and users use this website, they are deemed to have accepted and fully agree to these General Terms and Conditions. If visitors and users do not accept these Terms and Conditions, they must not use this website.
This text contains the General Terms and Conditions, according to which provides services to its users through an electronic order form. These conditions are binding on all users. The User agrees, fully accepts and undertakes to comply with these General Terms by loading the hyperlinks located on the server we use or by paying and using paid services and products offered by us.
Rules for using the site (hereinafter referred to as the “Provider”), as the owner who created and operates through the website, entitles users to upload and view all materials published in it for personal use only. for non-commercial purposes, provided that all copyrights and relevant designations are respected and complied with. The materials on this website are not permitted to be altered in any way, nor to be copied, publicly distributed or distributed for any public or commercial purpose. The use of the materials published on this website on other websites is prohibited. The materials on this website are protected by copyright and related rights and any unauthorized use may be a violation of copyright, trademark rights or other legal provisions.
Rights and responsibilities of the parties
The materials and services on this website are limited only to the terms stated for them, without providing any guarantees, including commercial and targeted. The obligations of the Provider in relation to the products and services offered on this website are governed by the relevant agreements with the importers and / or distributors of the presented products. Also, the Provider does not guarantee the accuracy and integrity of the published materials, software or services on this website. The Provider has the right at any time and without notice to make changes in the published materials, services and prices.
Some of the published materials may be out of date, and the Provider is not responsible for updating them. Some of the information published on this website may relate to products, services or programs that are not offered and are not currently available. For more information about the available products, contact us at the contact details provided.
Limitation of liability, its suppliers or third parties shall not be liable under any circumstances for any damages including, but not limited to, damages from lost profits, loss of information or other results from use, inability to use or results from the use of this website, regardless of the existence or non-existence of a warning to the Provider about the possibility of such damages. In the event that as a result of the use of this website or materials by it by the user damages occur, which require repair, servicing or repair of equipment or information, the User assumes all responsibility and all costs associated with the removal of the caused harm.
Links to other websites and to this website
The links available from this website to websites owned by third parties are provided solely for the convenience of users. If you use these links, you will exit this website. The provider does not control these sites of these persons and does not assume any responsibility for any of them or their content. In this way, the Provider in no way imposes or recommends these websites to third parties, nor the information published in them. When visiting some of these sites, users do so entirely at their own risk.
Users of this website may create links to it from other sites, but only if the conditions of the Provider are met. The provider declares that it does not agree to receive links from sites with pornographic, spam or irrelevant content. Users can get the exact requirements of the Provider on this issue by contacting him through the contact form.
Change in prices of goods
The supplier has the right to change prices at its discretion at any time without prior notice to consumers. The consumer is obliged to pay the price that was current at the time of concluding the contract. In case of technical errors in the publication of the website, the Provider has the right to refuse performance